Why Fashion Is Important

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Why Fashion? It has become such a universal question. Everyone seems to be so confused about it. So I thought I would make this article as simple and easy to understand as possible for those that are just starting to know what it means.

Fashion is not only wearing the latest expensive designer clothes, taking the best cosmetics and even doing high class physical makeup. Instead it’s a much deeper term that means everything that goes into looking good. The grace and the elegance involved in creating you that you are means much more to those that observe you than the clothes you wear. Many people consider clothes as a status symbol and believe that those who have more money wear the better clothes.

 But is this true? Is what we see in the media really the truth?

One of the major reasons why fashion is so important is because we as a culture keep telling us that looks are more important than the content of our lives. This is why Ralph Lauren has been able to establish himself as one of the most respected and well known clothing designers. He not only makes clothes that look good but makes them with quality materials and workmanship. In order to achieve this his employees must follow his strict company guidelines. His employees must also adhere to his strict customer service policy. These two combined make Ralph Lauren one of the most trustworthy clothing companies in the world.

But this is not all. His company has gone far beyond just designing clothes. He has also opened his own food manufacturing company that caters to fashion conscious people. He has also taken on the world of water sport by creating his own water sport wear line. All of these endeavors have made him one of the wealthiest and most successful men in the fashion industry.

But does all this success mean that Ralph Lauren is some kind of deity?

Absolutely not. He is, however, one of the most influential people in the industry when it comes to his sense of fashion and his sense of professionalism. For this reason, many people are willing to pay the price that Ralph Lauren demands for his clothes simply because they know that he means it when he says that quality should be the name of the game when it comes to his clothing creations.

Many other people have followed his footsteps in the clothing industry and created successful businesses off the backs of his designs. So why fashion is important? Because when people think of how important fashion is to society today, they usually think of how important it is to them personally. Whether you like his clothes or not, it cannot be denied that Ralph Lauren has redefined the way people see fashion when it comes to men.


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