What is a Blog?

by | Blog

A blog is essentially a personal, informative web site published over the World Wide Web, usually consisting of personalized, sometimes Informal, daily blog-type text posts. Blogs are not technically printed web pages, but rather collections of user-submitted posts on any topic (some topics are more popular than others), organized into an easily read and browsable format using keywords and titles commonly used in web browsing. Posts are generally displayed in reverse chronological order, with the latest post appearing first, at the very top of the page. Some blogs allow viewers to scroll backwards through time and past posts, or “zoom” through a certain topic or time range.

Blogging is a relatively new phenomenon, having been around as long as websites themselves, but it really took off with the advent of blogging software intended for web publishing. Hosting services for blogs, like Blogger, can be used for this purpose. Blogging is one of several ways bloggers express their opinions and often provide a way for other bloggers to know what is happening in a particular area or within a broader context. This also provides an outlet for business people to promote their products, services and offers to those interested and who are unable to visit the website of the hosting provider.

Blogs are a convenient and relatively inexpensive way for a blogger to publish their thoughts, experiences, ideas, or anything they feel like writing about. They are also ideal for those who wish to engage others in a lively debate or participate in a conversation. Blogs have also provided a venue for many celebrities and public personalities to brand themselves, their thoughts, and their businesses. The reason for this phenomenon could be that celebrities are generally well known by the general public and therefore, their words can be used as a means to brand themselves. As such, it has become the perfect vehicle for many people to establish a name, a reputation and a business.

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