Three Concepts About Closet Space and Your Social Style

by | Social Style

Social style (in the context of this article) is more than the clothing in your closet, it is the way you feel about yourself in general, what your personal style s is, and how others can relate to your clothes. I think of social style as relating to your closet, only it s more refined and specific. We all know there are thousands of styles out there, but your style, your personal style is unique, and because of that your social style is as well.

What I mean by “refined and specific” is this: when you walk into a room, your clothes tell a story about you. That story is not told through the clothes, but rather, is told through the behaviors and attitudes you exhibit in public. In essence, social styles give us clues about our personalities. How we act and react in public is a direct reflection of how we perceive the world. And because how we perceive the world is always a choice – some people are very hard-headed, while others are sensitive and sociable, others are reserved and quite private, so depending on which social style you’re most comfortable with will help you determine what clothes to buy for your closet.

So in this post I am going to talk about three related concepts that pertain to the way you dress and your own social style. The first concept I’m going to discuss is related to personal space. How much room do you really have to leave open when you walk into a room to start wearing something new? A good rule of thumb is to make sure you have at least twice as much space as you think you might need for the piece you are trying to wear. If you have a very small closet space, go ahead and maximize that space by adding two or three pieces of clothing that could all be worn together. On the other hand, if you have a large closet space, you may want to just stick to wearing one or two pieces of clothing related to a specific theme that you can pull together.

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