How To Use Makeup Sponge – Foundation Application

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Knowing how to use makeup on eyes is essential if you want to make your eyes appear big and beautiful. Most women dream of being able to apply their eye makeup with little or no fuss, but the reality is that you do need a clean makeup sponge to apply your eye makeup. Clean sponges have many uses for the everyday woman and the ones that are designed to apply eye makeup are no exception.

There are many different types of sponges that are perfect for applying makeup on your eyes and these are just a few of the tips that will help you get the most out of them.

  1. Eyebrow shaping: One of the main factors that decide how good your makeup application is as well as how beautiful you make your eyes can be down to how well you apply your foundation and concealer. If you use a good quality loose face powder then you should be able to get an opaque colour effect that is not too streaky. Using a good blending sponge can be a real bonus when you are applying your foundation and concealer. Some women prefer to use a small sponge to apply the foundation and to blend it into the skin for a smooth finish, but there are also large bristle brushes that are good for applying foundation and concealer. Just remember to not use the brush straight from the tube as this can cause smearing.
  2. Eye shadow: You can use either a sponge or a blending sponges when it comes to applying eye shadow on the eyelids. To apply shadow to the lower lids, you can use a brush or the blending sponges, while using a blending sponges to apply the shadow to the upper lids works great. Also, if you do not want to wear mascara, you can just use the eye brushes to apply the shadow and mascara will last longer this way.
  3. Eyeliss and eyeliner: These are two products that are often bought separately but sometimes are purchased in conjunction with powder, pencils, or liquid makeup. Eyeliss comes in a round, square, and teardrop shapes. It is usually available in a white or gold colour and is great for lining the eyes and giving them a nice natural look. Another great product that is used to line the eyes is the eyeliner. There are many different shapes of eyeliner that are available from a sharp triangle shape to a soft brush liner.
  4. Foundation: This is probably the most important step when learning how to use makeup, but there is also a lot to know about the foundation application. A quality liquid makeup foundation is thicker than cake foundation and it comes in different thicknesses. A sponge can be used to apply the foundation by using a wide tooth comb to apply it smoothly to all of the facial areas. Some women prefer to use the back of a spoon to use the sponge to get the right amount of foundation applied to their face.

To learn how to use makeup sponge, take the time to practice and make sure you understand how to apply each product correctly. One of the best ways to take your makeup making skills to the next level is to watch professional makeup artists at work. Watch what they do and try to mimic what they do. Make sure you have the proper sponge to match your needs and that you keep practicing until you master the skills. Mastering how to use makeup sponge is like anything else in life, practice and patience will eventually pay off.


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