How To Remove Permanent Marker From Clothes

by | Fashion

Permanent markers are very common to use for writing on various surfaces like walls, glass, papers etc. But it is not that easy to remove them from the surface. You might have tried all the methods to remove them from your clothes, but still it is not that easy.

We need to understand that it is not a permanent marker that you have used, it is a chemical that has been applied on your clothes and it is not easy to remove. It can be removed only by using special chemicals and it will take a lot of time and effort.

The most important thing about these markers is that they are permanent and it will not go away easily. We will discuss some of the tips to remove permanent marker from clothes.

Removal Of Permanent Marker From Clothes:

There are many ways to remove the permanent marker from the clothes. Here we will discuss some of the simple and effective tips for removing permanent marker from clothes.

Wash It With Soap

You might have washed your clothes already, but if you have used permanent marker on them then it is not possible to remove the marker without washing them with soap. So, you need to wash your clothes and get them dry. Then iron them properly.

Use Cold Water

It is very important to use cold water while washing the clothes because this will help to remove the chemical that is used for marking. If the temperature is low then it will help to remove the marker easily.

Keep It Away From Heat

Permanent marker contains chemicals that can cause harm to your clothes if they are heated. So, you should keep it away from the heat.

Use A Special Chemical

If you want to remove the permanent marker from your clothes then you can use a special chemical that will help to remove the marker from the clothes. You need to apply a small amount of this chemical on the mark and rub it well. Then rinse it with cold water and leave it to dry.


If you have tried all the tips and methods to remove permanent marker from clothes but still it is not removing, then I suggest you to try some other method like using soap or washing it with cold water.

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