How To Make Your Clothes Smell Good

by | Health & Fashion

You might have heard a lot of people saying that the clothes we wear affect our moods. And it is true that the clothes we wear can have an impact on our mood.

Clothes are the most important part of our body. They are the first thing we see when we step out of our house and they are the last thing we see when we go to sleep. If you want to have a good mood throughout the day then you need to wear the best clothes.

You can keep your clothes in the laundry for a long time but there are certain things which you need to do to make your clothes smell good. So, let’s discuss some effective ways to make your clothes smell good.

Wash Your Clothes

If you don’t wash your clothes regularly then you will notice that the smell of your clothes will get faded after some time. You can easily remove the stains from your clothes using a detergent and water.

Wash Them In Cold Water

It is always recommended to use cold water if you want to wash your clothes as it will help you to get a better cleaning.

Use Soap

The most important thing is to use soap to wash your clothes. You should not use detergent or fabric softener as it will just make your clothes dirty.

Avoid Dryer

If you are going to use a dryer then you need to make sure that the temperature of the dryer is low. Dryers with a high temperature will not only dry your clothes but also they will ruin the quality of your clothes.

Use Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are a great way to add a fresh smell to your clothes. They can be used for the entire day and it will give a nice smell to your clothes.

Use Fragrance

There are certain fragrances which are good for the clothes. If you want to make your clothes smell good then you can use different types of fragrances like rose, sandalwood, etc.


I hope you liked this post about “How to Make Your Clothes Smell Good”. I have shared with you some effective ways to make your clothes smell good. So, you don’t need to spend more money on expensive clothes but you can easily make them smell good.

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