How To Get Period Blood Out Of Jeans?

by | Jeans

You may have noticed that some girls have a blood stain on their pants or their clothes. And, it is normal to have blood stains on your clothes, but it is not normal to have blood stains on your pants.

So, if you have a blood stain on your pants then it is important to know the best way to get rid of it. If you don’t know then this article will help you to get rid of the blood stain in no time.

The Best Method To Get Rid Of Blood Stain From Your Jeans

So, let’s start with the first step which is to soak your pants in hot water. If you are having a blood stain on your pants then soak them in hot water for about 5 to 10 minutes and then you can wash them with the washing machine.

If you are not having a blood stain on your pants, then there is no need to soak them. You can just throw them into the washing machine.

If you want to make sure that the stain will be gone then you should wash them at least 3 times and once it has dried up then you can use a dryer to get the stain out.

Another Method To Get Rid Of Blood Stains From Your Jeans

If you don’t have the time to soak your pants in hot water or if you don’t have a washing machine then you can use the second method to get the blood stains out.

Use soap and water to clean your jeans and then use a toothbrush to scrub the stain. If you are having a large stain then you may need to use more water to get it cleaned. If you are having a small stain then you don’t need to do this.


So, I hope you liked the post on how to get period blood out of jeans. If you are having a blood stain on your pants then you need to use the first method mentioned in this article. If you are not having a blood stain on your pants then you can use the second method to get rid of the stain.

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