How To Get Grass Stains Out Of Jeans

by | Jeans

We all know that grass stains are very common on your jeans and it is very difficult to get rid of them. But don’t worry; here I am going to share some simple and effective tips to get rid of grass stains.

How To Get Grass Stains Out Of Jeans

You need to follow these tips in order to remove grass stains from your jeans.

Wash Your Jeans At Least Once A Week

Grass stains can be removed only if you wash your jeans in a good way. You must wash your jeans at least once a week and dry them completely. It will help you to get rid of grass stains easily.

Use Laundry Detergent

It is very important to use the right kind of laundry detergent that will make the grass stains disappear. If you use the wrong kind of detergent then it will make the problem worse. So, you must buy the right one and use it properly.

Dry Your Jeans

The best way to dry your jeans is to hang them outside for at least 2 hours. If you don’t have time to do this then you can dry your jeans in the sun. But I would recommend you to dry them outside because this method will help you to get rid of grass stains easily.

Apply Baking Soda

You can use baking soda to get rid of grass stains. Mix baking sodas with a little bit of water and apply it to your jeans. This method will help you to remove grass stains from your jeans quickly.


I hope you liked this post about “How to Get Grass Stains out Of Jeans”. I know some of you have already tried the mentioned tips, but I am sure you will love the results. I have also shared with you some effective ways to get rid of grass stains.

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