Myths About Women Who Don’t Wear Makeup

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Women who do not wear makeup are often presumed to be naive, and perhaps even less attractive in some ways. The assumption that they do not know how to makeup their faces is even further perpetuated by many men. But if a woman wants to look more like a woman, and wants other people to notice her for who she is, she should not let them. Of course, no one can make anyone else feel or look good, but there is something to be said for making an effort to appear as though you know what you’re doing. Most women who don’t wear makeup are under the impression that if they don’t “do it right” that other people won’t notice their features anyway.

Some women who don’t wear makeup are, quite simply, afraid that if they do, it will “make” them less attractive than they already are. This may not be true; what’s important is that women have the ability and the right to feel whatever they want about themselves. When women who don’t wear makeup touch up on their skin, they often find that a little goes a long way. They may be afraid that if they make too much, or spend too much time fixing their makeup, that they will appear “cheap.” But once they understand that making an effort to look good means making an effort to feel good, the fear slowly subsides. Better yet, many women who don’t wear makeup actually end up coming across as more attractive in the process.

The myth that women who don’t wear makeup are automatically less attractive rests largely on the illusion that we try to hide our flaws with cosmetics. In reality, however, there is only so much that makeup can do. While it may hide blemishes, it cannot erase them; nor can it completely disguise them. If anything, cosmetics can contribute to the perception that we are untouchable because we are covered up.

  • Yet another myth about women who don’t wear makeup is that they are somehow lacking self confidence.
  • This belief stems from the assumption that the cosmetics we use to conceal the features we don’t like.
  • While it is true that the makeup helps to cover imperfections, these defects do not “speak” clearly to the women who see them.
  • And while it may be true that we now have the ability to hide flaws, this concealment does not make us feel better about ourselves.
  • In fact, those who suffer from these flaws may actually feel worse because we believe we look worse than we really do.

One of the last myths about women who don’t wear makeup is that they are lazy. This mistaken belief stems from the simple fact that women who don’t use makeup often seem to spend more time at the office. Since many women spend a large amount of time at the office, this may mean that they are less productive than those who wear makeup regularly. This perception is not based in reality, however, and those women who don’t wear makeup are just as productive as those who do. Their difference lies in how they perceive themselves. While some women who don’t use cosmetics think they’re lazy, it’s simply a case of not knowing which factors to consider when evaluating their worthiness for promotion or advancement.

The myths about women who don’t wear makeup are fairly easy to debunk. They don’t have any major psychological effects on us and we’re quite capable of working productively without them. What they do have, however, is an undeserved reputation. It may seem like women who don’t wear makeup are somehow unfitting and unattractive, but the truth is that there are plenty of attractive women who don’t want to look like a makeup artist.

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