5 Hair Over-Conditioning Tips

by | Health & Fashion

If you are having curly hair then you need to over condition your hair as it will make your hair soft and shiny. There are a lot of reasons behind over conditioning your hair, for example, if you have straight hair then it will make it softer and make it more manageable.

So, here are some effective tips that will help you to over condition your hair in a better way.

Do Not Wash Your Hair Daily

Most of the people are unaware of the fact that washing your hair every day will make your hair dry and brittle. So, don’t wash your hair daily, just do it once or twice a week.

Use A Deep Conditioning Treatment

A deep conditioning treatment will make your hair soft and silky. It will also help you to remove all the split ends from your hair. You can use deep conditioning treatment on your hair before you wash them.

Use a Wide Tooth Comb

If you want to get rid of the frizzies then use a wide tooth comb. It will help you to get the frizzies out of your hair.

Use a Moisturizing Shampoo

If you are having dry hair then it is better to use a moisturizing shampoo instead of a regular shampoo. It will help you to make your hair soft and shiny.

Do Not Use a Heat Tool

Most of the people use a heat tool to condition their hair, but this is not the best way to over condition your hair. You need to use a flat iron if you want to get the desired result.


So, these are the top 5 hair over-conditioning tips for curly hair. If you want to over condition your hair in a better way then follow these tips. I hope that these tips will help you to over condition your hair in a better way.

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